Embedded Programming

  • group project
  • read a microcontroller data sheet program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible
  • individual project:
  • compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
  • Embedded Programming

    Microcontroller Data Sheet

    I decided to go with Atmega328-Pu, this is the datasheet that I looked at

    you can get the dstasheet here

    File for Atmega

    At this pont i decide to concetrate with register communication of atmega328-pu. Then procced on with the programming bit of the Microcontroller

    it was as done as follows:

    in this part i decided play with motion sensor and and distance sensor

    Below is the program i used to run both sensors. I decided to start using the programs that am familiar moving to programe that are are more complex (some of the of the modukles to be purchased)

    some of the program that i used include

    Arduino IDE

    atmel studio

    Visual studio code, with additional extension for arduino IDE

    instead i decided to go on and use AVR programing

    On studyiung the pin layout i decided to light an LED using the chip itself and the programmer

    I went right ahead and wrote a C programe to light and LED(this was after the lab was closed and using the only resources available)

    On loading to the microcontroller this were the results

    The idea of the above it to learn how to program atmega itself without using arduino but basically do the same thing as blinking an LED on arduino

    using arduino IDE example

    Comparison of the performance and development workflows for other architectures

    There are deffrent types of microcontroller. The one that i was interested in was the ARM technology

    files for ARM
  • the major comparison was to look at the speed of operation of the two and which architecture was used for the manufacture of the two. i came across the a photo that gives a clear comparison of the two

    you can get more information, on the datasheet attached above which i looked for memory capacity.interaps I/O capability of each microcontroller

  • atmega datasheet can be found here

    File for Atmega Back